Client Services
Steel Trading
Steel Trading

Client Services

The Group strives to be the most dynamic and respected international provider of steel, maritime logistics and freight services, linking producers and consumers of steel and similar commodities, through efficient and reliable communication and supply lines via marketing, shipping, logistics and finance, and developing freight services in partnership with our clients, to create customized solutions to often complex and time-sensitive shipping needs, with the utmost regard to ethical practices, environmental sustainability and our stakeholders.

Steel Trading

For more than forty years, the Macsteel Group has been trading steel around the globe. From small beginnings in the Far East during the early 1980s, following the acquisition of trading house Leo Raphaely & Sons, the Group’s steel trading operations are housed in the holding company, Macsteel International Holdings Trading Limited (MITH Ltd), and products are now traded through four regional hubs located strategically in Dubai, Hong Kong, New York and Melbourne.

The South Africa hub, founded in 1904, is operated by the holding company Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd (MSCSA), working closely with MITH Ltd to offer a full service and product offering into Africa.

Trading and distribution includes the following services:

  • Sourcing of steel products and raw materials
  • Marketing and selling of steel products and raw materials
  • Claims handling
  • Logistics management
  • Banking services
  • After sales support

MITH Ltd is particularly well placed to provide these services through our worldwide network of offices and agents, who have built up significant knowledge and experience of their local market needs.

MITH Ltd and MSCSA trade in a vast range of products including hot and cold rolled coil, billets, wire rod, slabs, stainless steel, reinforced bar, tubes and pipes, galvanized and engineered steel products and metallics.

For further information about the products we trade and the services we offer, visit the MITH Ltd and MSCSA websites.

MUR Shipping

MUR Shipping Holdings Limited (MURSH Ltd), as the holding company for its subsidiaries and joint arrangements, transports dry cargo around the world. The company has been developed as a standalone business transporting metals, minerals, agricultural products and construction materials, across six continents, completing 1,000+ voyages, over 24 core trade routes, on behalf of 300+ customers, with the support of 2,000+ seafaring staff and 240+ on shore staff, with 14 offices globally. The diversified fleet allows us to carry a wide range of cargo, including specialised shipments such as logs, pipes, industrial equipment, steel, hazardous materials, wind turbine blades and components.

We tailor our services to fit clients' shipping needs, delivering solutions that are as dependable as they are innovative. We strive to create value for our clients through the effective and efficient management of our fleet.

MURSH Ltd is 100% owned by Macsteel Global Limited.

We provide the following shipping services:

  • Ship chartering and cargo brokerage
  • Freight coverage
  • Logistics management
  • Port agency
  • Vessel stowage optimisation
  • Container broking and management
  • Technical ship management and crewing

For full details of our shipping business, including logistics and operations, click here.